Cornell Design Competition

Story & Concept Designer | TPEG @ U of M | 2019


I managed the team’s creative intent by creating the mood board on the left to assist with the land’s master plan on the right. Our prompt was to design a land themed to “the history and themes in the natural landscapes and cultures” of Delaware.

We chose to recreate an often forgotten part of Delaware history: Brandywine Springs. The original Brandywine Springs Amusement Park existed in Wilmington, Delaware from 1901 to 1923. The story behind this land is that the whimsical “spirit of the 1920s” has supernaturally rebuilt the abandoned park. These spirits are old guests who enjoyed the park’s glory days in the roaring 20s. The full submission included immersive AR technology that allows guests to see the spirits inhabiting the park, a haunted carousel whose horses came to life, and an entirely new type of roller coaster.